Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Landing Roughneck Jobs on an Oil Rig

Are you a guy or girl who doesn't mind getting dirty or manual labor? If so, you might be missing out on the career of a lifetime! See below for a great resource to oil rig jobs and how to apply!

How to Land Roughneck Jobs on an Oil Rig: "Yes, life on an offshore oil rig is tough, manual labor...nevertheless, don't get discouraged as Roughnecks and other oil workers experience perks as well! While your hours are long, the typical schedule is two weeks on, two weeks off. And most often, transportation, food and living quarters are included in the job benefits on TOP of a great salary. Oil rigs are known for taking good care of their own - providing nice rooms, good food and plenty of it, and offering advancement options depending on your particular interest."


  1. Oil rig jobs pay well, especially those located offshore in deep water. They often pay double or more for equivalent jobs on land. However, those with no experience usually have little chance of getting a piece of the action unless they have the connections.

    Offshore Jobs

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