Sunday, February 7, 2010

Oil platform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interested in offshore oil rig employment? If so, you might want to know a thing or two about maritime rigs. To apply, use the best application distribution agency out there:
A great source of oil rig information has been compiled at wikipedia. See below for an excerpt of their page.

Oil platform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "An offshore platform, often referred to as an oil platform or an oil rig, is a lŠ°rge structure used to house workers and machinery needed to drill wells in the ocean bed, extract oil and/or natural gas, process the produced fluids, and ship or pipe them to shore. Depending on the circumstances, the platform may be fixed to the ocean floor, may consist of an artificial island, or may float.

Most offshore platforms are located on the continental shelf, though with advances in technology and increasing crude oil prices, drilling and production in deeper waters has become both feasible and economically viable. A typical platform may have around thirty wellheads located on the platform and directional drilling allows reservoirs to be accessed at both different depths and at remote positions up to 5 miles (8 kilometers) from the platform."

1 comment:

  1. Oil platform is the place where we did Oil extraction works and drilling also.Most of the Oil platform available at the little far from sea shore.Petroleum is vital to many industries, and is of importance to the maintenance of industry.

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